
Brenchley and Matfield Local History Society and Archive  

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The Society was founded in 1971 and since then it has thrived with a membership of around 80. Our aim is to encourage an interest in both local and national history.

The Society holds monthly meetings six times a year, with talks on a wide range of subjects of historical interest Link to future events , we meet at Matfield Village Hall. If you know of a speaker you would like us to consider please contact us. Likewise, We would be most interested to consider any day trips, if anyone has any suggestions.

Our Society is affiliated to, and works in close collaboration with the Parish Archive. The Archive is kept in ‘The Archive and Meeting Room’ in The Memorial Centre in Brenchley and is open to visitors every Thursday 10.00 am till 1.00 pm. All enquiries about local homes and ancestors are very welcome, as are donations of Archive material for our collection. Where there is a wish to retain the original documents or photographs we are able to scan material and return these so that a digital copy is held in the Archive. Contact Archives

We are a very friendly Society and we welcome both new members and visitors. Please come along to any of our events and meet us. Membership is £15.00 a year for which gives you entry to all six lectures by local historians. If you just want to come to the occasional lecture we charge £3.00 to all visitors and you would be made most welcome. There is always tea & coffee with a selection of biscuits available at all meetings (donation grateful).

Our events are advertised here and in the Roundabout magazine, on the Parish Notice Boards in both Matfield and Brenchley as well as in The Brenchley and Matfield Parish Website.

We are currently looking for new Committee Members to to give us renewed life. We are always looking for new topics and ideas to keep the society fresh. Join us for just a year and see if you enjoy getting involved. If curious about the past and would like to help us bring a little light & informative entertainment to the community please contact us.

All enquiries may be directed in the first instance to the current Chairman, Ted Fisher.                      
